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Looked at my list of entries since the last big redesign and I think I just can't write during months which begin with the letter M. I suppose they're done with now and I need to get back on the ball.

Inspirational to my writing: a deeply entrenched desire to be on the ins with the HP fandom. I wanna be friends with Cassie, and Ali, and Heidi Tandy, and the girls (and B.K.) who run The Leaky Cauldron, and Lexicon Steve, and all the coolest posters from the HP for Grownups list. Not quite sure of the best method for such. Because of a similarly deeply entrenched dislike of livejournal, I figured this was the next best thing. I am a Big FanTM, goddammit. I should be in there!

Here are the pictures from the big night.

And the point of resusitating my just barely hanging on journal? Having an appropriate place to put my thoughts on the recentest addition to the canon... I think I will wait one or two more days, however, because I am still in quivering shock, to some degree. And because, despite many other people's ability to critisize even directly after the last page, I was just so tearfully grateful for the excursion back to Hogwarts and Harry's head for another year, I am still barely capable of being anything but effusively in awe of JKR. Sure, there is plenty of room for frustration, sadness, even wee bits of anger. But... so much love. Completely in love with my sad little boy. I cannot not have hope for his happiness, y'all.

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