me | pix | links | mail

nicholas is the fiancee and cohabitor of my abode. Love him bunches. He's starting back at gatech, and is something of A LEGEND there. He will probably want me to edit that, though. :) He's got a site that is as unpredictable as he is.

Momma is super-cool. She taught me how to be the illustrious young woman I am today, and god knows how, because I was a prissy little girl, a tricksy big sister, too good of a liar, and a hellcat of a teenager—not in the really bad kid kinda way, just in the total bitch kind of way. But she kept loving me through it all, even when I say stupid things about her on my website. She went back to school a couple of years ago and got a degree in economics, and she is also an ARTEEST. She makes our house in Savannah the prettiest and most loving place in the world and it makes me sad that I don't go home more often.

Daddy is a civil engineer and a mathematician. :) He's not a lovey-dovey kinda guy, but it's okay, because he's neat and somehow there's not a doubt in your mind about how much he loves you, even though he doesn't say it out loud. He's also a professional waterskier of sorts, and I got to go to ski tournaments all through my youth. He likes to talk on the phone more than any other male that I know.

Slade is my little brother and a rad dude. He is currently attending St. John's College because he's a smartie and also into crazy philosophies and stuff. He is quite a musician and may be a rock star someday. He and I are the co-creators of the rain-soap-trampoline combination. Some kid at a party told me that it "was all over south Georgia, man." He wears cool t-shirts and gave me the one he used to wear that has cats puff-painted onto it and says at the top "Big Sister."

Other people to come at a later date.
