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The ubiquitous "100 things about me."

  • I have lived in four states: Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, and Georgia.
  • I have never been out of the country.
  • I played the flute for 5 years.
  • I really like Martha Stewart.
  • I take it as a compliment when people tell me I "look like a Marilyn."
  • Milk is my favorite thing to drink in the world.
  • My cats have Harry Potter names. The girl is Voldemort.
  • Ever since I discovered, I always have 10 books I'm in the middle of.
  • I read other people's journals about 100 times more frequently than I post in this one.
  • Lack of sleep makes me mean.
  • My favorite season is fall.
  • I got expelled from high school about a week before graduation.
  • I read newsgroups constantly. I am unsure if I'm supposed to quit the Tech newsgroups now that I've graduated.
  • I really like to take pictures, especially in black and white. Digital pictures don't look as nice in B&W as film, though.
  • I want to have a really small wedding, but I also want it to be GORGEOUS.
  • I love the grocery store. I think this is because it is like manatory shopping every single week.
  • I wear pink all the time, even though it is supposed to clash with red hair.
  • Math was my favorite subject by far until I got to college and got a B in Calculus.
  • I like it when books and movies make me cry.
  • My nails are hardly ever painted, but I have like 30 bottles of nail polish.
  • Similarly, I have almost 100 pairs of shoes, but I go barefooted as often as I can get away with.
  • It is not difficult (at all) for me to sleep over 12 hours.
  • I was voted "Most Unique" in my high school senior superlatives.
  • I think that marijuana should be legalized.
  • I want to have lots of kids someday very far away from now.
  • I failed two classes in college because I stubbornly refuse to do more work than I feel like.
  • When I was in third grade, I used to fill entire sheets of notebook paper with doubling numbers, so I knew the powers of two way better than any other 9 year old.
  • I first learned to swim when I was a teeny two-year-old.
  • I've driven Volvos since I was 15, and hope to have my current one forever.
  • I chose Slytherin as my house due to dubious ethics, a high degree of selfishness, and a love of the colors. This is not to say that I don't root for Harry. Because I love him madly.
  • My livejournal name is from a song that got half-written about me in high school.
  • I'm the absolute worst at keeping in touch with people.
  • Ben Folds Five wins the prize for most concerts by a single band that I've been to, but it is only three. Ani will beat them soon, as she still plays, and they do not.
  • I read every original Nancy Drew, and every Baby-Sitters' Club until somewhere past 100.
  • I went to six different elementary schools.
  • I am unbelievably anal about keeping things organized. At right angles and everything, just like Monica.
  • I really want Pamie to make it big time. I tried to recommend her book to everyone!
  • On a whim, I auditioned for a play my junior year in college and got to be the lead chick.
  • I like to knit. Yeah, that thing that old ladies do.
  • I really hate needles and because of it will never get a tattoo.
  • The lava lamp on my desk probably hasn't been turned on in over a year.
  • I watched the entire 40 hours of extra footage on the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition DVD in one weekend, with my down comforter, on the sofa.
  • I spent 5 years of my life doing Odyssey of the Mind.
  • My first porn experience was from a really trashy romance novel that my mom thought was "literature" that would turn me away from YA crap.
  • I've never dyed my hair with real hair dye, but did put purple streaks in it once and pink streaks another time.
  • Because my mom is an ar-TEEST, I have had at least a dozen portraits done of me, from various ages.
  • I haven't found a recipe yet that I couldn't make turn out well. And desserts taste good every time (though sometimes take a try or two to look good as well...)
  • I have two holes in each ear, but they're totally crooked.
  • My friends and I brought a couch to the movie theater ticket line for the night of the release of Episode I. I got the fourth ticket in all of Savannah.
  • I had pretty mad crushes on two different teachers in high school, but they were both married and so it just made me more shy around them.
  • I was a waitress at a uber-nice Italian restaurant one summer and now know all the fancified serving manners.
  • I also worked a summer as a guest services clerk at a beach resort, but don't think I learned anything of use. Except that ugly Hawaiian shirts are no one's friend.
  • I really love the History channel, and wish that there were cool shows about Math and Computer Science. Like Square One! Except for grown-ups.
  • I wear glasses, because I can't trust myself not to burn out my eyes by accidentally leaving my contacts in for a million years.
  • I was so addicted to The Sims for one month in my freshman year, that I would rush to my dorm straight after class and play until I passed out late late that night.
  • My first cool CS project was a Concentration game in Java that had Star Wars pictures on the cards (for 5 bonus pts), and sound effects like Darth Vader saying "Impressive!" when you got a match (for another 5).
  • I love school supplies and can't wait until I have another excuse to go out and buy some.
  • nick has the best bumper sticker ever. It says "My kid reads your honor student's email." Heh heh.
  • I really dislike/don't get? anime.
  • My hair is going to be long until I am somehow forced to cut it or it falls off.
  • Christmas lights add to the decor of any room.
  • I am really awful about showing up late to work.
  • I like my handwriting a lot, but haven't had to use it to any great degree in a LONG time. COMPUTERS ARE THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE.
  • I really love getting dressed-up, but am dying to get a job at an office where I can wear jeans.
  • The first time I ever got told "I love you" by a boy was in an AOL instant message in 11th grade.
  • My first kiss was in the eighth grade, in a movie theater, watching The Lion King.
  • nicholas and I met on the Georgia Tech newsgroups.
  • I am still searching for the perfect place to read.
  • I take baths more often than I take showers.
  • I like dogs and cats both a lot, but I can't have a dog until I get a much bigger place to live.
  • I squeal at fireworks, scary movies, and roller coasters.
  • I've kissed two girls, but I was pretty drunk for one of them.
  • Jurassic Park was my favorite book in middle school, and I had Nedry's death scene almost memorized. I scandalized my grandmother with its gory details.
  • I like using google to find people from my past.
  • I have trouble throwing away planners and schedules, even if I won't be able to reminice much about "party@russ's" or "cs3500 - problems 12.5.4, 5, 7, and 9"
  • I took the SATs more times than you did.
  • I love black olives so much that I got a can sent to me in the mail once by a badass girlfriend.
  • Math team was totally my favorite extracurricular activity.
  • I stood someone up for PROM, because I was a gigantic bitch back in the day.
  • For many years, I have been trying to figure out how to come to terms with my insane disapproval of religion and Christianity in particular, and my insane love of Christmas.
  • The name of this site "the question is wrong" comes from a quotation I used as my senior quote in the yearbook.
  • British accents are definitely the best.
  • Pete's Dragon probably wins for movie I watched most as a child. And kids sure do love to watch movies over and over.
  • I should buy stock in Target,, and Banana Rebuplic, because I cannot think about those merchants without NEEDING to go give them my money.
  • I've tried all the flavors of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. I think Vomit is the worst. But Sardine is pretty freaking awful as well.
  • I really like lipstick and mascara, but I hate all base/foundation/powder-type goods, and also steer pretty clear of blush and eyeshadow. Unless I need to be extra-purple or Slytherin-green for the night.
  • I am hungry almost all the time.
  • There was a Sesame Street sketch about Bert and Ernie visiting an ancient civilization, and a statue started to talk, and Ernie was around when it talked, but when Bert came back in, it would stay still, and Bert didn't believe Ernie that it was alive, and it scared the LIVING BEJESUS out of me. I would run to my room and cover my head with my pillow and try to forget that it was on.
  • Ever since I read The Hours, I have to buy fresh flowers all the time.
  • I brush my teeth instantly in the mornings, before I can do anything else.
  • The coolest city I've been to, thus far, is absolutely New York City. I haven't been to tons of places, but also, I must honestly say that I like Savannah a lot.
  • My favorite part of government is the Supreme Court. I think the Justices and their interactions and their relationships are fascinating.
  • I listen to NPR and eclectic college radio almost exclusively in my car.
  • I find weddings fascinating, and really want to attend more that are not just generic and traditional. I don't understand why so many people want to have weddings exactly like everyone else's.
  • I had the best slam book ever in middle school.
  • It affects me very deeply when I don't think a person likes me. Worse than when I think someone actually dislikes me, which just makes me think they are a moron.
  • Ayn Rand justifies my insane egotism and selfishness for me, and I love her for it. Besides, Atlas Shrugged is really fun.
  • Purple was my favorite color for a really long time, but I don't know what it is now.
  • I got into MIT, but didn't go, even though there was an episode of Family Matters on the day I made my decision that talked about MIT and I thought it was a sign that I should've picked it instead.
  • I stayed up waaaaaaay too late to finish this.
