19 November

It's a bit difficult to pick lyrics and filenames to suit my mood when I have no playlist right in front of me, listing acceptable choices. I'd been thinking about this old song lately though, and noticed I'd never used it. A surprise, because I can think of few songs I like more.


I wanted to update yesterday, but was in the most desperate of depressed funks. And I hate letting people know when I'm that depressed. Especially because it was the type of depressed funk in which you feel incapable of doing anything well. And writing about it, as opposed to what most people claim, never makes me feel any better; it usually just allows me to wallow in it for the time-being.

But my fiancee is the besty, and spent all night up with me talking about the bizarre social dynamics of DramaTech and female roles in Darren Aronofsky films, took me to City Cafe for some black bean quesadillas, promised to take me to lotsa plays, and, in general, made me realize that I am the most loved girl in the world.

(I love him a lot, too.)


I'm going home to Savannah tomorrow night, I believe! For a fun family Thanksgiving celebration! I am getting hungry just thinking about it. I am going to make desserts! I am excited. Far too excited about my 5-day weekend and seeing Harry Potter again to be getting any work done here at all.

(Yeah, I happen to be in the lab again. Because I am a big dork.)


I talked to Karl's little sister Rachel online today, which was slightly bizarre. I haven't really spoken to her in ages. But she and I used to gush over Harry Potter together, so she asked me what I thought of the movie and of darling Daniel Radcliffe. She agreed with me that his hair wasn't messy enough, and also, she critisized its brownness. I almost told her about getting engaged, but it seemed weird to talk to her about it. But honestly, it felt weird to be talking to her at all, awesome little girl though she may be, because she's so madly in love with her big brother, and I am so madly certain that he is a prick, and I thought it would be a little improper to express that.


And away I go!