20 April
eatin': popcorn. Yes, I'm always eating while I'm at the computer. Got a problem wit dat? Get over it.
excited about: goin' white water rafting tomorrow! In lovely Tennessee. Mmmm... and hanging out with my boy tonight.
flippin' through: a beautiful book I think I've mentioned before. (that Amazon version is not nearly as loverly as mine though.)

Riffling through the Day school web page, and found a picture of me! and the rest of the Udderly Fabulous Foursome. I guess Weber had to make it small. No, not so it would make a good button, so that my arch-nemesis wouldn't see it and order it off of her shiny pretty school's web site. But, the AP Physics page wouldn't be complete without us. No one had the enthusiasm that we did for those projects. We'd spend hours at Ashley's, full of inside jokes and Milanos. I'm not going to get into the stories behind the cleaning of all those milk cartons that made up that canoe, but let me say: it took dedication. As did our late night trips to the marina for "testing." We sealed so many leaks in that boat it was really more rubber epoxy than carton paper. We spent long summer days in her driveway, painting and laughing. We talked about Celeste's friend that died of AIDS and her cat. And we talked about how cool 'twas that Madelene's dad was an actual inventor who just fiddled around with stuff everyday. And 'cause hangin' out was so much fun, we got it set in our heads that physics was fun too, and did it all the time. So, we were also the first to schmack Weber right on the head in the water balloon, parabolic motion challenge. Granted, groups have accomplished this feat since then. But we were the first, and the only success story for about 3 years. Also, Ashley and I were also the queens of luck who got our egg not to break when it landed upon a single piece of cardboard which was not intended to be our landing pad at all, and who pulled off the coolest pendalum trick ever, by virtue of my crappy aim: the string didn't hit the blade on its first swing down, and the pendalum swung all the way around the bar, snipped at the razor after completing the circle, and landed perfectly in the little plastic cup. Goes to show that that energy is fuckin' always conserved, and acrobatics don't make no diff, man!

Now, I like puppies as much as the next person, and am thrilled to be moving off-campus, where I will adopt all the pets that are in Home Park, but damn, people are stupid sometimes. Not that I'm nihilist. But really.

Perhaps even more disturbing is the fact that I only got a 3 out of 10 on this. Random guessing should've garnered a 5. I used to have My Little Ponies, too. I guess I just don't watch enough porn.

I started writing this entry so that I could gush somewhere about how beautiful a day it is. Only after typing that out, though, do I realize the irony of running to my keyboard at the realization that the air outside loves me. Redeeming factor: my computer is right next to a nice big window, which is open now and blowing on my hands as I type. But you know, I think it's just daylight that I like, which is an asinine concept, considering that I've spent the greater part of my life sleeping through that shite. But days are pretty. Esp. on campus, on Fridays: everyone is so carefree and sociable. Sociable for Tech, anyway. I can just smile at random people, and they'll smile back. Most other days, they'll just look atcha funny. ("Do I know her? Is she even looking at me? Wait, is she laughing at me? Crap! I knew my hair should've been brushed this morning / I couldn't get away with wearing this shirt with a Jolly Rancher stain in the pocket / these leather pants were a fashion faux-pas!")