8 August

Chillin' at the Ocean Plaza, just had a fun little Powerpoint display come out of it. It's funny, but maybe not so much so if you don't know Glenn or the atrociousness of our beach-y festive! shirts. Only one day left, then frantic packing and buying last-minute things, then a fun road trip to where my boy is!!! Which I am ever so psyched about!!! Otherwise, I would never go to the effort of actually typing an entry and then sully it with an excess of exclamation points!!!


Finished some clothes recently, a couple of dresses and also the funnest pair of dark brown and bright teal plaid pants. I want to make tons of plaid pants. I went into a fabric store today with my yummy Kiwi Strawberry Misty Slush, because it's so sweaty hot in Savannah, but the only fabric I liked was this light orange plaid and some hot thick navy blue. I abstained from creating the potential for more plaid pants though, considering that what I wanted to buy was a sleek black to make a gauzy black dress with pretty sheer sleeves. The closest thing they had was this cheap silly lace. No. No lace for me. I really am tempted to buy a giant chunk of shiny satin in like a burgundy or purple, but... I don't actually know how to make a comforter cover. I've been able to figure out most of my sewing projects on common sense, but that was when I was working with about $5 worth of cheap fabric, as opposed to big shiny pretty expensive pieces. How does one go about making a big pretty blanket? Any tips? I know that no one I know of who reads this has any idea, but maybe there's some girly-girl out there that reads this that I never knew.


Ah, well, I feel like I'm being antisocial on one of my last nights here, so perhaps I'll go over and partake of the cheap candy that was bought to fill up the jars today. The faster it gets eaten, the faster we can try to convince Jeannie to get some of those fantastic Berry Skittles. Think it would be believable that we ate 3 gallon bags of candy all tonight? So I can take a gallon bag of Skittles home with me tomorrow as a going away present?

Oh, stop having those responsible hackles raise, Sam! I don't really steal stuff from work.


Snippets from tonight's conversation:

"Yes, I'm really something of a social butterfly!--"
"You're a sexual butterfly?"
[Some explication on atoms, molecules, and the certainty of the amount of molecules within a piece of cheddar cheese which is being consumed]
"Are you trying to be all intellectual and shit?!"
"No! I just want to know how cheese works!"


color scheme brought to you by: red wine and satin