Things -A nice chair in which to sit at this desk. -Another lava lamp [perhaps matching a purple, pink, and black one...]. -Any book off my list. -Any CD off my list. -Any excessively odd socks or tights. -Any freakish patches or pins to add to the decor of my bookbag. -Anything in my gallery at (username: marilyn_cole / password: phamuel). -Candles. -Cute sparkly hair clips [like the tiny ones that come in pairs]. -Flowers. -Lots of stamps to real mail people. -New or used T-shirts that say stupid things on them. -Nice frames. -Perfume, like Elysium by Clarins or Happy by Clinique. Books -I also have a ton of stuff wish listed at, just search for Marilyn Cole -A hardback copy of Illusions by Richard Bach or The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster -Anything by Bertrand Russell -The Edible Woman, Margaret Atwood -Good Bones, Margaret Atwood -Griffin and Sabine trilogy, Nick Bantock -History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, John Banville -A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess -The Stranger, Camus -So Far From God, Ana Castillo -Lives of the Mind Slaves, Matt Cohen -Fruit Tree Box Set, Nick Drake -Good Omens, Neil Gaiman -Banana Rose, Natalie Goldberg -Wild Mind, Natalie Goldberg -Love and Other Infectious Diseases, Molly Haskill -Hotel New Hampshire, John Irving -The End of Utopia, Russell Jacoby -Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac -The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis -Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis -Einstein's Dreams, Alan Lightman -Birds of America: Stories, Lorrie Moore -People of the Lie, M. Scott Peck -The Collected Works of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath -Bodacious Book of Succulence, Sark -Great Apes, Self -You Bright and Risen Angels, William T. Vollmann -Art & Lies, Jeanette Winterson -np, Banana Yoshimoto CD's (ah, I really don't NEED any more CDs, I'm a not-picky .mp3 addict now. Books will be appreciated about a thousand times more, unless it's a really special CD for some reason) -In the Pink, Tori Amos -The Beatles Anthology III, The Beatles -August and Everything After, Counting Crows -This Desert Life, Counting Crows -Dilate, Ani Difranco -Imperfectly, Ani Difranco -More Joy, Less Shame, Ani Difranco -Not a Pretty Girl, Ani Difranco -Whip-Smart, Liz Phair -Regretfully Yours, Superdrag -Harold and Maude soundtrack [I'm not sure if it even exists...] -Anything by: The Beatles [esp. later schtuff] The Doors Bob Dylan [except Unplugged] Goldfinger Nerf Herder Radish Save Ferris [except It Means Everything, which I have] Simon and Garfunkel [except their greatest hits album and Bridge Over Troubled Water, that I have] Size 14 Elliot Smith Soul Coughing Summercamp They Might Be Giants [I like THEN a lot; I have Factory Showroom and Severe Tire Damage already] Dar Williams [esp. Mortal City]