13 july 2004

Went to this this evening, with Elise, Cynthia, Martha, BJ, Brian, Liz and Jesse. It was STUNNING. Highly recommended. It makes me want to hurry up and find a boy to marry and steal Beth AND Elisie's ideas so I can have a night wedding while the awesome frozen color is still splashed everywhere.

I really want to learn how to both blow glass and make stained glass.


Had a great weekend with the fam being in town on Saturday to see the play! Everyone seemed to enjoy it a great deal, which makes me happy and relieved that they did not drive all the way up for my bit part and not at least get an entertaining event. I've missed being in the play in the past 4 days, and am looking forward to the shows this weekend, as there is a chance of it selling out, and big rowdy audiences are by far the most fun to play to. Not looking forward to it being all over and not having a good excuse to hang out with some of the awesome peeps in it! Calling up boys to hang always makes them think you want a date, and the one girl in the play who I think is really cool is just a much more popular and girly girl than I am, and doesn't seem to want to HANG OUT with DT kids, as she has her real friends already or something.

Other good bits of the weekend: watching romantic comedies and going to Fellini's in pajamas on Saturday morning with Casey, hanging out in the pool most of the day on Sunday, even though Dave kept trying to put bugs on me, reading the first Lemony Snicket book, watching lots and lots of Kids in the Hall and making a late night posting spree on the newsgroups.




Hungry hungry. Going to make a salad, maybe. Nighty night.


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