24 june 2004

It just turned to my parents' 26th anniversary!


But the main point of this little writing exercise: me!

I just wanted to note two ways I can tell that I have way more self-confidence, and perhaps some sort of ego problem, as of late:

1. There is no bigger turn-off for me than a boy acting like he doesn't like me that much. I don't recall whether the playing-hard-to-get game ever worked on me. Though I certainly had crushes on boys in high school who didn't ever really notice me, nowadays I'm forward enough that I don't expect boys to not notice me, and I also expect that if they have any sense and coolness at all, they will recognize immediately that I am a fucking rockstar.

2. After talking to Thomas Connor Annandale about the pros of being a hot mathgirl, I have realized that I get way more enjoyment and excitement about my own body and my own noises than others' during sex. But this may be highly correlated with the fact that I find girls way hotter than boys, and I am usually partaking in these sexual endeavours with boys. I think I may need a girlfriend. Or at least a female ummmm friend. I fell in love with a blonde hipster girl tonight who was wearing sunglasses in a dark and trendy danceclub, hehe, cuteness!


And that's all there is to that. I had a grand and very un-Miss Prism time, dancing and dancing and drinking bottles of red wine.


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