16 September 2004
I think this may be the first time I've ever edited my webpage from bed. I feel that it may become a wee bit of a habit. I, in fact, am not fully sure I'll ever be able to get out of this comfy bed now that it is connected to ZEE INTARWEB.
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Las Vegas was killer fun. Except that losing money crap. How can anyone think that is fun? I'm not totally down on gambling, I'm just down on the losing part of gambling.
But hanging out with Lena and Alan and Joey was a complete and total blast. Antics were appropriately wild and goofy. One thing that was not "goofy" so much as "unbelievably psychotically terrifying," though, was a thing that I somehow decided to do, even though I knew it was on top of a thousand-foot space needle, I knew heights make me need to cry, and I knew nothing else. The ride was created by sadists and masters of fear. It shoots you out (WITH THE SAME FORCE THAT YOU IMAGINE YOURSELF PLUMMETING TO YOUR DOOM) on a flimsy track that dangles you off the edge, leaves you hanging there, pontificating upon how very far away you are from anything solid and dependable, finally reels you back in, allowing you a silent sigh of relief (and by "silent," I mean, "very vocal and obscene"), THEN DOES IT AGAIN TWO MORE TIMES.
This is what I look like when I am about to cry in terror:
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Now I'm off to work, and shall not goof off on the internet, because I am going to do that ALL. NIGHT. TONIGHT. After going to Ulysses. Even though I have read very very little of Ulysses.
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One more bite of Vegas: the fountains outside the Bellagio, choreographed to the tune of Fly Me To The Moon, are now one of my best aesthetic memories. Said, in awe: "These are better than fireworks! And I love fireworks."