27 December 2005

the lilting high that always follows—
makes the girl at the checkstand in the
supermarket look like

—Charles Bukowski, "one for the shoeshine man"


Really rather happy lately. Good consistent solid niceness in my life at every angle.

I feel like I've done a really good job at holding onto the kind of pure unabashed happiness that I had as a kid, the kind of Christmas morning happiness you have at the age of five or six, and I do remember in my late teens being a little sad around Christmastime that I wouldn't really have those kinds of mindless joys from presents anymore, but somehow in the last two years that I've really been growing up in a good way that I'm happy with, I've been able to regain some of those giddy moments, and they are made even better by not being inherently thoughtless.

I guess I'm not as fucking jaded as I think sometimes.


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