1 February 2005


This article makes me realize a big part of why I value equanimity and composure so much in my day-to-day. I <3 Nancy Drew with a deep special spot in my heart. I remember sitting on the sofa in the little cabin we lived in when I was seven, and figuring out my first preferred positions for long stretches of reading: lying with one arm over my head, other hand holding the book open with one side of it laying on the sofa and one up. I gave a great deal of thought to whether I should roll over when I was reading left or right sides of the page, or just suffer through holding the book up a little higher half the time. It is a dilemma I still face when I sleepily read in bed.

I do hope I can find all the old Nancy Drew books in some attic in Savannah someday. The original Nancy's undeniable femininity and constant capability to do anything while wearing a skirt and heels did not strike me at all as problematic or paradoxical, and having kids around with that same idealism would be wicked cool.


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