4 march 2013

Getting mentally prepared for two weeks of crazy excursions, including a trip to Savannah this weekend that will have to sustain one night of working all night from my parents' house where my mother has a broken leg and one night of going out to see Eye Candy. Next week I'm going to go out to see them for a snippet of SXSW, the Muscle Shoals Showcase, hosted by the illustrious Shonna Tucker. Pretty amped about visiting Austin for the first time since a trip to see the Alamo at around age 6. I hear it's a music town like Athens, but without the same degree of football and fraternities.


These past two weekends were pretty delightful as well, with ample opportunities to see my two new nephews and to get in that over the moon state about several friends with babies in their near future.


Going through these somewhat rote this-is-what-is-happening-in-my-life style entries to help re-introduce the habit of writing. I sometimes miss it terribly, the piecing together and organization of thoughts into a description of a memory or an idea or something a bit more complex than this!, but I will keep putting things down in my process to get there.