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2001-04-18 - 5:17 a.m.


and see the light that goes away / leave my heart down by the water / he spins inside my soul

Hoo, boy, do I need to go to sleep. Got a coding final tomorrow morn. (afternoon) (well, okay, more like evening, but I still have to be up! and coherent!)

Went to hell and back today. I was under the distinct impression that I was being "played," as they say. Well, no one I know says that. But I have been quite enamoured with a certain someone for a little while now, and there are, as always, a few complications. Ex-fiances. Things like that. Conversations with ex-fiances? Not fun. Esp. if they aren't sure about that ex part. Esp. if they had no idea you really existed. Hrmph. I do dislike feeling as if I've been lied to. Instead, someone else was being lied to. Is that a good thing? He was just making an attempt to not be rubbing us in her face. Which is perfectly understandable. And I'm quite a talented liar myself, so why should I criticize someone else? I don't believe that I could really lie very well to someone I was in love with. I mean, I love my parents, and I can lie to them. But I could never really lie to Karl. Not about important shit. Can I now? I don't know. I suppose, if I wanted to save him from something that I thought would really hurt him. (Or me.) But I don't do that very well either, dude. Keep the things from him that I should, I mean.


KarlDaPimp (10:52:55 AM): Well, the 9:30 3500 class is full :-(
jedi102580 (10:52:59 AM): I saw
jedi102580 (10:53:03 AM): sorry, Dana's all mine
KarlDaPimp (10:53:42 AM): I guess I could sign up for 8:00 and just go to the 9:00 lecture...
jedi102580 (10:53:53 AM): my life sucks worse, I can *guar*an*tee*
KarlDaPimp (10:54:02 AM): why?
jedi102580 (10:54:47 AM): just found out that this guy that I've completely fallen for who has given me the impression that the feeling is more than mutual, and that he had broken up with his girl, has not actually truly broken up with her
jedi102580 (10:55:25 AM): and has been telling *her* that while he was interested in me for awhile, he's not anymore
jedi102580 (10:56:32 AM): does "i love you so much, baby, you turned in two hours an incredilby shitty weekend into a blissful marilyn experience." sound like something someone who is not interested in me would say?
jedi102580 (10:56:42 AM): goddamn fucking shit
jedi102580 (10:56:59 AM): he sounds lke such a player in the current context
jedi102580 (10:57:12 AM): I'm sorry to be pouring this all out at you
jedi102580 (10:57:26 AM): you just happened to IM me in the worst mood possible
jedi102580 (10:57:56 AM): I'm going back to sleep
KarlDaPimp (10:58:17 AM): ok

But, I did get to hang out with Brandon tonight, which was a blast as usual. What a great kid. As opposed to John Cobb. Who I think I'm going to beat up. What the hell is wrong with that kid? Does he think it's funny to make me look like a whore? Well, I already know the answer to that, and Bo says that they only did that cause they think I'm a cool chick and they like me, and they thought... I'd get a kick out of it? Or that it was funny, so who cares whether I thought it was humorous or not, eh? Bruckner wasn't even there, either! Why bother making him out to be Big Man with the ladies, and/or make fun of him, if he's not even there? I do not understand boys.

Well. Except for nicholas. I feel like I do understand him. And it makes me happy. I like the way he talks. It makes sense to me. He's such a cocky son of a bitch, and god help me if it isn't a tremendous turn-on. Cause, like I said months ago, there's something about him that makes you buy it. He's got something to back up that cockiness, you think to yourself. That kid is fucking intelligent. (Yeah, he is! I'm gonna open a bookstore with him someday. Cause even if he and I would get into arguments about a few of the books that would be allowed, I totally would want to read anything that he thought was interesting. If only for the good debate. Yes, I am planning on being more confident on my feet when arguing for what I think by the time I'm old enough to be running my own bookstore.)

What's the best comeback in an argument?

don't want to say that i'm through with it / just want to be right by your side / right by your side



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