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2001-04-27 - 6:35 a.m.


This is not a black and white world, and I believe that maybe today we will all get to appreciate the beauty of grey, the beauty of grey, now, the beauty of grey, the beauty of grey...

Loungin' in the CoC, a thousand things I should be doing other than writing, including perhaps catching a wink or two, but I wanted to stop for a second and just think about how good the world is right now, even if I do code like a stupid mofo sometimes. And hot damn! do I hate not knowing what I'm doing. Thusly, yes, I should get back to work. I just know I'm gonna hate myself if I blow this stuff off, because, shit! it's not that hard. Just frustrating.

Summer plans are thrilling. Don't know if I'm going to be able to take any classes, like I was planning, don't know if I'm gonna be able to find a job that I want, but I do know that nicholas is going to come visit me, and we are going to have great times. I love him so much. More with every second I think about him, and about us, and how nicely we fit together. He is simply such a spectacular being to be around. Being next to him is the best feeling in the world; the fact that he thinks I'm something special is such an inspiration, such an awesome thing to be able to hold onto, and it makes me have more faith in myself.

I have this section of hair under my left ear, and if I continue coding, it's going to be completely ripped out in a couple years. I can't think about code unless I'm pulling on it. And it's getting worse, a force of habit that I cannot repress. I think it may be becoming a psychological problem.



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