22 May 5.39am
things that I've done today:

-- Slept until it was dark outside.

-- Saw Ellis and Jonathan for the first time in ages, but instead of being nice, I ruined Jonathan's story, stole his book, and told them I would meet them at Ellis's house and didn't. (I'm a bitch. Sorry guys.)

-- Hung out with Morgan and Elena and David Chen instead, and had nice time-spending at the Palace. Morgan bought me an apple pie. Elena and I split it.

-- Discussed reasons why girls are so fucked-up. Possibly related to the fact that we all went through such traumatic fashion embarrassments around the ages of 12 and 13 and 14. Each of the girls at the table had mortifying stories (mine involved my fifth-grade teacher and a lecture about how we should be careful what we wear to school to avoid giving people the "wrong impresssion" of ourselves. In front of the whole class.) and David had no clue what we were talking about. Which is not to say that he wasn't also a huge dork at the huge dork ages, but that it didn't mortify him to the degree that it was still burned in his memory.

-- Read more High Fidelity, to myself, and out loud. I don't know how it snuck up on my to-read list, because many things have been pushed aside, but I'll be done with it in a few more hours.

-- Got readdicted to Snood. After an entire semester of being clean, and laughing at Suzanne when she had evil laughing at her when she was supposed to be doing CS, one brief stint at Beth's house pulled me back down a slippery slope of Numbskulls and Zods and Gejis.

-- Said I was going to sleep hours ago. And again one hour ago. I'm still working on it.

-- Thought about and wrote about nicholas.

-- Listened to lots of Modest Mouse, the green album, and a little Mirah.

-- Read a great poem:

    the truth about
    long distance relationships

    so I went on a date with this
    alien, and she wrote her phone
    number on my hand and what
    sucks is that I could never call it
    because I couldn't find the button
    on the phone for planet Dick-nop-a-
    ding-dang. Long distance relationships
    suck anyway.

-- Still haven't found my lightning bolt necklace.