15 November

I could spend pages and pages on catch-up and anecdotes--on October 25th I turned 21 and got engaged--but I do this page like I read newsgroups: once I've gotten behind, it's best to just ignore all the old stuff and just jump into what's currently going on. It always feels like more of a waste of time to be reading news if it's all 3 days old.


Currently: I'm sitting here in the CoC for the third late night in the past four days for the giant sleepover party that has been coding Monopoly, which is something that the vast majority of people here are bemoaning, but sheesh, people, it's 2335. It's not a real class!

And besides, Monopoly is fun.

I'm in the States cluster though, and while everyone also bemoans the sad janky conditions that fall upon the machines and the dumb and annoying people that abound, I usually like its raucous social atmosphere. I believe that this is as a result of the fact that I'm usually here to check email, read newsgroups, and print out things. Working in here is horrific! It's not so much the noise as much as the... complete lack of isolation. I cannot think of a word that means the exact opposite of isolation in the manner I would like, but that is the problem with the States lab.

Erm. And also Red Hat. Is the problem with the States lab. The Communist menace!


Speaking of dirty Communists, I am drinking Code Red in here, and also, thus, wildly rebelling against the big ol' No Food Or Drink sign in front of me, and I just looked down at the label (which is streamlined and futuristic!) and they skewed the o in .com so that it looks like it says mtdew.cum.

Which I thought was a little bizarre when I first saw it!


Read some cool plays in the last couple weeks. I want desperately to be Karen Andre, but more plausibly (in the near future, at least) Artie.

Also could write pages about, but not going to: my recent falling in love with acting.


Sigh. I just got distracted for the last half hour reading something amazing, written by an amazing girl, which only makes me want to write more and be a writer too, but now there's only a few minutes left til I have to go to class.

Pallavi, you and I should have our own creative writing class next semester. It'll be all self-motivated like the nanowrimo kids, but if we have, similarly, some sort of specific goals and stuff, then we'll both keep writing. Which is more than I can say for myself and this "journal." Which is madly undisciplined in style and structure. Not that discipline is a necessary feature for a good journal, but perhaps it is one for being a "real writer."

Which I am going to give up attempts towards for now.