9 September

Not sure how long I'll be able to write, I've been so sick for over a week now, and I'm so drained and dead and depressed about it. I've got these sore stomach muscles from coughing so much, and now, whenever I cough, I have to hold my hand over my side or double up in pain.


But I'm not dial-upping anymore! I thought it deserved some sort of appreciation celebration. So I'm sitting here and typing and listening to Kind of Like Spitting and drinking Coke, and holding my side. And my room makes me happy. It's so pretty. I got told that it looks like the inside of a store that would sell bridal gowns. I'm not sure what that's a sign of, but I assume it means that I got room hints from Elena, who also was awash in white.

I slept lots, but I think I'm about to sleep some more. I'm such a downer, but maybe the doctor tomorrow will help end that nasty tendancy.

I'll write some tomorrow. Really.

color scheme brought to you by: lack of time