11 November 2004

You're no star to guide me anyway
You only wanted me to play
A fool

--Camera Obscura, "Books Written For Girls"


I'm getting a little better, but the suddenly extremely cold air is definitely a major obstacle in my road to recovery. Main things left, then: stringy sore bits of flesh in my throat being ripped to shreds every time I cough, an appetite that seems as if it will never ever ever return. Even though I feel hungry. I eat one bite and then feel like curling into a tired nauseated ball.


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Saw two fabulous shows last week in Athens, despite the plague. Perhaps if I hadn't, I would be healed by now, but I say they were worth it anyway. I've been much more inclined to very small venues lately, for whatever reason. Probably the best reason being: they are just better. Maybe I am getting old, but the crushing me into the stage until my internal organs bleed just doesn't sound appealing. (This did happen; yeah, asshole =w= fans in Athens in 2001!) Of course it is great to have the blow your ears out insanity sometimes, but I guess I'm more contemplative lately. And tired. And cranky. And beset by an infernal plague.


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Ew. Reason #87932 why I don't want to incubate a crazy little kicking screaming creature inside my belly. (Here is another good reason. GAH.)

(To be clear: I have pretty strong desires to be a mother one day, but the more I think about it, the more I consider the possibility of a not-necessarily-my-own-flesh-and-blood baby. Why don't we have artificial incubators for the test tube babies yet?)


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