11.01am, and throughout the day
18 April 2005
There's no time to lose
I heard her say
Catch your dreams before
They slip away
Dying all the time
Lose your dreams and you
Will lose your mind.
My last entry is in the process of being completed with all text and pictures related to my two weeks in Europe. It was incredible and fabulous and I am already dying to go exploring again.
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The cast party for the Vagina Monologues was a grand time, and full of wonderful people. I'm going to miss those girls.
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This morning, I updated my orkut profile with the following:
I'm a girl with big dreams of succeeding tremendously in some field. Have yet to decide if I will stick with this computer thing, or try to become a well-respected (and pretentious) artist, or someone powerful in a research group or non-profit that I think does something important, or maybe the intellectual "it girl" of NYC or Paris.I'm also looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming... can't-live-without-eachother love.*
Subsequently, I went to the bathroom and had a minor freak out, involving a pretty intense sense of insecurity and psychologically-induced feelings of physical suffocation in the face of my aspirations.
The fortune cookie I had at lunch then told me: Your dreams are never silly; depend on them to guide you.
I think I could get into the Masters program for CS at NYU and I might just send in an application for this Fall.
*All somewhat inspired by the final episodes of Sex in the City, which finally I mourned the conclusion of this past weekend. I love all four of those characters dearly, even if I do have a certain hatred for Carrie's whining and constant self-analysis. Not often are women that are around 40ish celebrated as having fun and successful and fabulous lives, and yet all four of them did, each in their own completely different way.