2 June 2005
Writer-director George Lucas' gift for animating
the inanimate turns out to be paralleled only by his tendency
to deaden what should be completely alive.
--Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times
So depressive, making mediocre attempts to cover it up by keeping busy with friends and mostly meaningless activities; the weeklong monsoon-like rain is appropriate for my melancholy, I suppose, but perhaps too perfect. It is primarily encouraging my idea that I've had my soul eaten out of me. It makes me want to lie on the wet highway and cry and rub my hands in the broken glass.
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Ha. Melodrama, ahoy!
It's not really so bad, I think I'm just a little worried that this funk is going to last as long as my previous year's almost perpetual good mood. I don't even know anymore what I need to fulfill my happiness quotient. I've been acheiving some minimal success from expensive clothes and shoes, but that just leaves me with financial woes and yuppie guilt.
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On a more fun note, I put some cool pictures from a photo shoot a couple weeks ago that Bonnie set up into my Flickr account.