22 September 2005
A very dear friend of mine has a note stuck to
her refrigerator that says, "Depressed people are just more in
touch with reality than the rest of us."
Ask anyone who's smoked pot regularly (or taken other
hallucinogens), and chances are they'll tell you how the
experience helped them cut through the bullshit of everyday
life and see it for the way it really is, which -- as we all
can probably agree -- ain't pretty.
It's depressing, all right. And some people can't handle it, or
are biochemically predisposed to serious, long-term side
effects. That's a serious problem, but it will always be a
problem for some because young people will always experiment
with drugs. To simply say that "drugs can lead to depression"
is more or less stating the obvious.
If you're lucky, you find a way to move on and try to live a
good life and make a positive difference in the world, but
there's no guarantee it'll be depression-free. Reality can be a
real bummer.
--Salon Letters
Lots of recent uploads on Get Your War On.
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I'm going to see this in NYC, and fulfill all my old pamie.com fantasies. I am in a bit of awe over her success these days. The idea of going out to LA to have to constantly impress people with your wit and hilarity is terrifying, yet she rocked it. Success stories, and the twinges of motivation that they give me, though, are also terrifying.
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Sometimes it is a lack of things going on that zaps me of energy and ZEST, and that is exhausting and debilitating. Sometimes it is an overabundance of activity and things that must be done, and it opens my eyes and makes me excited and I keep going and going until I run myself ragged and snap at everyone. But sometimes I feel like I'm constantly busy and not getting anything done. I have moment after moment of things that are inherently good, for which I'm absurd to not be able to linger upon and savor. Instead I'm languishing, and looking at pessimism and gloom in my future in place of the excitement of uncertainty. Youth is about uncertainty though, and I know that I should enjoy it while I can, and recognize that my most likely regret is the constant fear I have of regretting things.
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Off to the big Apple with an appetite for destruction.