Sitting over words
very late I have heard a kind of
whispered sighing
not far
like a night wind in pines or like
the sea in the dark
the echo of everything that has never
been spoken
still spinning its one syllable
between the earth and silence
W. S. Merwin, written in a subway advert
DECEMBER? 1.27am
Very reclusive weekend; I called Bo earlier tonight as I knew
he'd be glad to hear I had finally gotten out of the house.
Granted, it was just to do laundry, but now my sheets are clean
and also I was reminded about the existence of fresh air.
I got a lot of reading done: The Book of the Dun Cow was delightful, this autobiography of Linus Torvalds is funny and also reminds me of the joy in computers, I caught up with my New Yorkers, I checked out Anaïs Nin diaries and Flatland from the library (and looked up this other book by the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel in the stacks, but apparently it's been checked out and lostalas but for the popularity of the subject), and I have two other books I've been flipping through eagerly, but they're actually Christmas presents for other people and therefore shall not be mentioned further for at least the following 22 days.
Merry Christmas! I have only thus far experienced a frustration with the shopping mania and a concurrent craving to buy things; the lights and wan evergreen sheafs haven't conjured up much holiday cheer in my usually trigger-happy December nature. In part this is because I will be libernating (ha.) for the next three weeks, and in other part, it is because I was expecting it to have snowed by now and it totally hasn't.
whine whine. I'm going to go back to reading now. blah.
Okay, fine, I'll add one happy thing. I left work an hour or two early on Thursday so that I could go ice skating in Bryant Park nearby while it was still daylight (in my pretty purple dress, on a pretty day, though this made for melting ice and no padding for my knees when I fell) and as I was walking the couple blocks there, winding through tiny streets in the garment district with mostly dirt and construction around me, a school bus was going by and a kid playing the typical game of waving at those nearby and seeing who'll respond. It made me giggle and I waved enthusiastically, reminded how nice it is when the school day is over, to be on my way home, and the whole side of the bus seemed to notice and turned and waved and giggled along with me.