
a big-city fairy tale. most recently played music

current photos

{a photo project, 2006}

tuesday afternoon, november 7, 2006.


a quick break at work, empire state building behind me

No quotation above; understand that it would again be from Housekeeping, but I'm near the end now and I have probably already quoted too much, and every line now is worth quoting.

I had a nice night last night with effing delicious Thai food and a great crew of people up in Washington Heights hooting and hollering over Heroes and Studio 60: these two have become my only television, in part because of the social aspect of episodic anticipation, but I'm especially glad for the touch of fast-talkin' Sorkin in my week, and delightfully surprised by the fun of Hiro Nakamura's intrigue. There's no denying that television is a drug, though, and can at least as often as otherwise, serve as a sedative for the masses. It starts out like any other fun drug, with a party and laughter and talking about how you wouldn't have expected it to be as good, devolving on exam week, when you can't see your friends, you're pathetic and alone and have to get your fix on where they have the episodes scratchy and for free. You don't even really enjoy it, except in the most rudimentary and reflexive way, but nonetheless you have to do it suddenly and cannot go on without.

But then, I'm particularly susceptible to addictions, particularly those of the media variety. DON'T JUDGE ME.




the older things.

about this.
