
a big-city fairy tale. most recently played music

current photos

{a photo project, 2006}

14 march 2007.

I am still carrying on here, but I don't know why.

Harold Ross, editor of The New Yorker, in a letter, June 2, 1943


my desk at work

Bruce Sterling thinks that blogs will phase out in the next decade, and because I wish I was at SXSW, I'm listening to his whole streamed rant against the creation of anything artistic on the internet. He claims that it's equivalent to a painting by committee, and will never be good. He claims it's rare to find a blog that will make you cry.

Of course I won't make a case for the idea that internet writing can compete with the quality of published pieces with the polish of multiple and multifarious passes of editing, and though I'm tempted, I'm not going to attempt to point out designated links to masterpieces that I expect will be recorded for the ages as representative of an art movement--

But that doesn't mean I don't think that the art that is created by millions of people throwing their random thoughts isn't of some sort of significance that he's not accounting.




the older things.

about this.
