30 August

It certainly doesn't seem as if I've been here at school and going to classes for almost two weeks now, but at the same time, it feels like an eternity ago that I was in the Savannah summer. I talk to my parents on the phone and they're back to the strange status of being minor acquaintances in my life, acquaintances that just happen to know that riding through car washes when I was 3 used to make me cry and that most sad movies still will. They probably don't know that I miss them, though.


I've been enjoying my new place in a house whose official drink is Natty Light (and Cospolitans for a few hours every Sunday) and more so, perhaps, as the girl who reads Sipser in nicholas's bed as he codes and wrestles and argues with him over improper word choices and finite automata.


Recapping is hard. I'm not sure exactly what is momentous about the past two weeks, momentous enough to feel I need to share it with everyone who reads this, anyway. I've had a few good late nights with the crew that hangs around my new house (god, I love having a place that people just drop by, esp. if they're primarily people whose company I enjoy and take pleasure in being distracted by, if only for a few minutes to be whipped at some Dr. Mario) and uncountably many (for my currently tired head, I mean) good late nights with the boy. In case anyone who was not at the house last night when I apparently had a little bit of an audio audience is curious: I'm also been having the best sex life ever.

Classes are going well enough, even though I hate being bogged down with introductory bullshit, I'm rather excited about getting back into CS. After being quite the poseur of a CS major and not even thinking about, much less writing, any code for months, I've gotten all these romantic delusions about all the fun and exciting things it represents for me, without having the handicap of remembering how unbelievably frustrated I get with it and myself and my poor time-management skills.

[And then there's the fact that I'm also taking physics II and having to go to freaking physics labs which I'm just not going to mention. Gag me.]


Sam wrote about this past summer as well, with a little more bitterness at all the Savannah events and people; I'm not quite sure why everyone is so tied to the fact that a few summers ago we had a hardcore "group" and had the summer of our lives and everyone got along and everyone had fun. Parties all the time, and not the kind of parties we have now where people had to get drunk or high to have fun, but parties in which we just hung out and were funny together and no one hated the majority of the people in a room at any given point.

Because (despite my partially yearning tone toward the end there) that never happened. There was always drama and there were always people who couldn't be around other people. I suppose the summer before I went to college there was a decently sized group of people that all liked eachother and were cool (or so I thought at the time), but even then, of course there were people I didn't like that some other people did. Of course fights happened and alliances were tested. I suppose the aforementioned drinking made some of the fights louder and more dramatic and some of the causes for fights more emotional and/or stomach-turning in more ways than one this summer, but I still enjoyed Savannah for all it was worth, personally.

Or perhaps I'm just trying to make excuses for the fact that I have no memories of One Killer Summer. Or that whatever memories I did have are tainted by my distaste for past acquaintances.


Speaking of Savannah people, kisses and hugs for you all! I miss you lovely people like mad. I am quite sure that I am in a dearth of information about the current going-ons of many people. Since I've just been sitting at the computer for an hour and am not going to go hunting for current email addresses, if you're reading this, I probably would love to hear from you!

color scheme brought to you by: a subtle attempt to make laziness look like consistency