16 August

So, after a summer of longing, an entire night of getting ready to leave and one long afternoon of attempting to leave, and 4 hours without any music other than the thoughts in my head and the occassional singing of the song which is still in my head, as is evidenced my the lyrics in my title, I am, at last, with my boy. In the same room as him, breathing the same air, having to remind myself constantly that it's okay that he's asleep and that I'm just fiddling on the computer, because I'm not just here for one blissful day or two, but I'm here for good. In his arms for good.



School starts in less than 5 days, and I'm actually terribly excited. I'm a little terrified that whatever motivation I have to kick ass and take names will fizzle when I start having work to do that I don't want to, but right now, I'm thrilled to have something to occupy my mind with, a little more thought-provoking than that shitty Cybersex book that I'm still reading for some ungodly reason.


But I did have a fantastic summer; despite a lot of shit and drama, I had some of the most pure and lovely fun ever, all summer long. Naps in Elena's pretty white bed, fun visitors (like Chris! and, of course, you knew it went without saying, my nicholas) and new people (does Corey count? and I know Theron does! and fun work people, even though Clifford never did come smoke with us), and long talks with my brother about music (mostly weezer, but also Lou Reed, U2, The Boats, and The Princess Was In Another Castle) and about St. John's and the nature of communication and discussion, and about the plague and brown recluse spiders, and the fact that St. John's has no technology which is so unacceptable. I had fantastic rides in cars at night with fantastic music being screamed along with, pretty walks on the beach, fun attempts to swim in the ocean, even though I don't think anyone actually put on a swimsuit all summer, and I almost ruined some jeans because salt water'll shrink 'em, man! A fantabulous road trip with Elena, filled with tons of thrills and excitement even though we were not lost. I knew exactly where we are, I just didn't know where the place was to which we were going. Or if it even existed. And we had a week long party at Elena's, and I don't think Apples to Apples should ever be played by any of the people involved again except as a drinking game, because it was infinitely more fun that way. I may, however, still be bitter over losing Thomas Edison as most inspirational to fuckin' Pablo Picasso. I'm not even going to get into it, but I definitely filled up pages with justification for that one in my head on the drive up here. All I can say is that there was definitely a hidden Corey/Elena alliance. We shall have to play again, you connivers!

And ahhh, sweet tea at the Gallery. I miss it already, as I do avocados at Mellow Mushroom and tomato sandwiches at Elena's, and Chick-fil-A sandwiches with extra pickles in Beth's car, and trips to Beth's kitchen and the eating her out of house and home, and, oh, the Crab Shack... And Cheez-Its for chasers!

But I don't miss any of it as much as you kids. I love you guys. I better see every single one of you sometime soon. Beth and Amy and Elena, all of you are visiting me ASAP, you understand, Ean, Anne, you know you both need to come to see Ani in October, and Sam! I can't believe I didn't see you more! You are simply going to have to come down and visit, perhaps I will settle for a visit to Athens, and Ean and I will both come and Anne can throw us a party, okay?

(All apologies for that little tirade of remember whens and inside stories, I hate it when other people do that, but I had to treat myself a little.)

color scheme brought to you by: lack of desire to be colored