
a big-city fairy tale. most recently played music

current photos

{a photo project, 2006}

thursday thursday thursday, nov 16.

Lena's lowered face is grave, quiet. Her hand has ceased now. It lies quite still on her lap, as if it had died there. Her voice is quiet, tranquil, stubborn. "I reckon a family ought to all be together when a chap comes. Specially the first one. I reckon the Lord will see to that."

William Faulker, Light in August


courant, done with my unix project about to take a nap... somewhere

I've got a multitude of friends who are fasting right now, but alternatively, I ate like a queen this weekend, guacamole prepared tableside, Zarape de Pato, lobster rolls and oysters and crab cakes, butternut squash soup with gorgonzola, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies (the first time I've made cookies since the move away from my Kitchenaid mixer).

AND I got to hang out with my boyfriend? I know, it was crazy.

This is a weekend that shall be full of mathematical rigor, though, and probably less food. I just pulled a shell-scripting all-nighter for what should evolve into a pretty cool little project. I'm really enjoying unix a lot these days, and my one programming class being so much fun that it's not at all painful to work on it for hours in a row.

It is slightly unfortunate that my other two classes make my brain hurt when I think about them for multiple hours in a row; I suppose it is a godsend that I still like them, and badly badly desire a way to manage my studying and contemplations upon them that will pull me through to greatness.

so tired, sheesh this is degenerating

photos? links? soon, seriously




the older things.

about this.
