
a big-city fairy tale. most recently played music

current photos

{a photo project, 2006}

25 april 2007; wednesday.

            Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:49:00 -0120
            From: Charity Putnam 
            Subject: Avenue and 110th street new.

            Into nothingness   i.
            Place smoothly almost.
            Can say is.
            In it he.
            Back and up quickly like.
            The walls he began gropingly.
            That the picture of.
            She was rather flustered for.
            Another rush of conversation.
            As you please while you.
            Her work as she answered.
            Tired i'm not going.
            The streets and the.
            Floor below said the boy.
            Business she went up to.
            January morning as.
            Baby a girl was more.
            Manner -- then he saw.
            And everywhere you.
            He sat there.
            no but i'm.
            Beautiful woman i have ever.
            Into the relentless knob.
            In your berth and.
            Small hat but what --.
            Their importance horn &.
            I'm getting the.
            And casting a last rather.
            Department i know.
            Far over the rail.
            Of a redcap picked him.
            Into our everyday vocabulary and.
            Place in this.
            Have taken place between.
            Divided and made.
            Events of the past.
            Of authority for this organization.
            Value sense and.
            Next suggestion.
            tell me.
            House of worship in winnebago.
            well then.
            O god of my fathers.
            I'm happy leave.
            As they did when.
            why that's.
            Hard that's the trouble with.
            Two men indeed.
            Analysis is death.
            Again there swam.
            And climbing in the colorado.
            Motion had been boiled down.
            Had insured that all.
            The cold of the early.
            I saw all of it.
            At fanny for.
            >From shoes to hats.
            And terribly human.
            To her feet with a.
            The firm it.


in a germ-ridden bed

I am so sick. I keep waking up and I can't stop dreaming about symbol tables and byte offsets and machine learning on a spelling error corpus and whether automata and transducers will answer my expectations and debugging horrible logic errors in messily designed code.

Nightmarish, I know.

Is that an excuse for putting up a journal entry that is primarily a piece of spam? I don't know, but I loved this.




the older things.

about this.
